What the withdrawal of farm laws mean Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes in the Indian Express that while the repeal of three farm laws signifies ...

What the withdrawal of farm laws mean
Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes in the Indian Express that while the repeal of three farm laws signifies the victory of farmers, it also denotes how old-fashioned protests can crack the government’s facade of total control.
However, the constant demonisation of the protests by the government has led to deep mistrust and alienation in the state of Punjab.
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Brazil’s expanding slaughter house industry
The New York Times delves into Brazil’s tannery industry and shows how hides from illegally deforested ranches reach the global marketplace. In the United States, there is a huge market for the Brazilian leather. A big part of this demand is driven by US’ automobile industry.
The investigation finds how a weak monitoring system in Brazil has allowed the illegal trade in cattle hide to flourish.
More here.
Booster shots and the debate around them
The world is debating whether rich countries should give a third Covid-19 booster shot to vulnerable segments of their population even as many underdeveloped countries are experiencing vaccine shortages. This piece in the Scientific American looks at how the World Health Organisation’s target of vaccinating 70% of the global population by June may be missed due to boosters.
Donations to Covax, the international initiative aimed at equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, have been slow and booster...