The Gujarat Public Service Commission ( GPSC ) has announced the result of the Civil Service Main written exam 2021. Candidates who appeare...

The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has announced the result of the Civil Service Main written exam 2021. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their resut online at the official website
The Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-I, Gujarat Civil Service, Class-I & Class-II and Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service Class-II exams were held on July 20, 22 and 24 in connection with the Recruitment Advertisement No. 26/2020-21.
As per the merit list, a total of 962 candidates have qualified for the interview round which is scheduled to begin on November 25. The merit list contains the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates.
Here’s direct link to GPSC Mains result 2021.
“If there is any change in the postal address of candidates who have qualified for interview test, they are requested to communicate the new postal address to the office of the Commission by an application along-with pertinent document that proves their candidature viz copy of their application and prelim & Main Exam call letter,” GPSC said in its notice.
Candidates who wish to have their marks rechecked can apply on the GPSC portal. Candidates can also request for the marksheet online after the declaration of final results.