A widespread narrative in India suggests that Muslims produce too many children, skewing the national demographic balance. The right-wing p...

A widespread narrative in India suggests that Muslims produce too many children, skewing the national demographic balance. The right-wing propaganda alleges that this is all part of a deliberate plan by Muslims to capture political power in the country.
The common belief that Islam is against family planning, which is why Indian Muslims practise polygamy, has for decades caused bitter acrimony between the Hindu and Muslim communities. The demand for a uniform civil code is also born out of this belief.
This book seeks to cover the facts, figures and myths about the prevalence of family planning practices among Muslims in India.
A study of family planning practices in India throws up some of the following interesting facts.
Muslim acceptance of family planning has been increasing
The demographic ratio has indeed changed, with clear increase in the percentage of Muslims in India – from 9.8 in 1951 to 14.2 in 2011. There is a corresponding decline in the Hindu ratio – from 84 per cent to 79.8 per cent – during the same period...
Muslims have indeed the lowest level (45.3 per cent) of family planning practice, but Hindus have the second-lowest level among all communities, with a practice prevalence of 54.4 per cent.
The Muslims are, however,...