India’s coronavirus tally on Friday rose to 1,02,86,709 after 20,035 new cases emerged in 24 hours. The country’s toll went up by 256 to 1,...
India’s coronavirus tally on Friday rose to 1,02,86,709 after 20,035 new cases emerged in 24 hours. The country’s toll went up by 256 to 1,48,994. There are 2,54,254 active cases, and 98,83,461 people have recovered from the disease so far. The country’s fatality rate stood at 1.45%, and recovery at 96.08%.
A government-appointed panel of experts is likely to consider applications for the emergency use of the coronavirus vaccines filed by the Serum Institute of India, Bharat Biotech and Pfizer. The drug firms had made presentations before the expert panel on Wednesday. If the vaccines are cleared, the applications will go to the Drugs Controller General of India for final approval. The DCGI on Thursday had said: “Probably we will have a happy new year, with something in hand.”
Night-time restrictions were put in place in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru to curtail New Year celebrations in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Thursday said that all the states and Union Territories will hold a dry run for India’s massive coronavirus vaccination programme on January 2. The government said that the focus of the dry run will be on the management of adverse events after inoculation.
This will be the...