Criminal Justice: Behind Closed Doors is a slow burn by design. The web series revolves around a woman who has suffered gaslighting for so...
Criminal Justice: Behind Closed Doors is a slow burn by design. The web series revolves around a woman who has suffered gaslighting for so long, she can barely begin to confront the truth of what has been done to her.
Anu (Kirti Kulhari) is married to the highly respected and affluent Mumbai lawyer Bikram (Jisshu Sengupta). His stealthy and sinister ways suggest that he isn’t the “great guy” or the “gem of a person” that he is described to be. Anu’s jangly behaviour indicates that she is at the very tip of the edge. She does fall over, grievously injuring Bikram by driving a knife into his belly.
Their daughter Rhea (Adiraj Sinha), who has witnessed the aftermath of the crime, is briefly treated as a suspect. Goaded by the aggressive police officer Harsh (Jeet Singh Palawat), Anu signs a confession. She is packed off to prison to await her trial.
It’s an open and shut case that apparently no lawyer in Mumbai will touch. That’s an excuse for the re-entry of the kooky Madhav Mishra, one of the highlights of the first season of Criminal Justice. Madhav (Pankaj Tripathi) leaves behind his newly acquired wife Ratna (Khushboo Atre) and his marriage unconsummated and plunges into the case...