Mismatched is a series adaptation of Sandhya Menon’s 2017 young adult novel titled When Dimple Met Rishi . The romcom unfolds during a thr...
Mismatched is a series adaptation of Sandhya Menon’s 2017 young adult novel titled When Dimple Met Rishi. The romcom unfolds during a three-month app and coding course. Unlike Menon’s USA-set book, the story unfolds in Jaipur.
Eighteen-year-old Rishi (Rohit Saraf) obediently agrees to his grandmother’s desire that he should have an arranged marriage. Grandma (Suhasini Mulay) also suggests that Rishi enroll in the same course as his prospective bride. Accompanied by his friend Namrata, Rishi lands up at the same coding camp as Dimple (Prajakta Koli), whom he has picked as his “future wife”. No matter that Dimple is oblivious to this Indian mis-matchmaking. Stalker much?
An anti-social geek, Dimple is focussed on app developing and becoming a champion gamer. But Rishi’s gentlemanly ways are hard to resist. Rishi makes up for Dimple’s cold front with his warm earnestness. Rohit Saraf plays the part with such sincerity that it’s difficult to dislike his character. Prajakta Koli is efficient as Dimple, who is navigating her way through a childhood instilled insecurities, peer pressure and a budding romance.
The coding class, taught by Siddharth (Rannvijay Singh), is populated with American campus stereotypes – nerds, jocks, hot chicks, rebels, an outsider (in this case an NRI who joins the...