As everyone knows, said the Bhat caressing his lute, everything in this world follows the formula that Vidhata, the mistress of fate, has c...

As everyone knows, said the Bhat caressing his lute, everything in this world follows the formula that Vidhata, the mistress of fate, has conjured in her cloud-palace. She makes and unmakes the destinies of men and nations like the mighty wind arranges and dis-arranges the markings on sand-dunes.
Are knowledge and industry of no use then? the young disciple asked eagerly.
When did I say so? the Bhat admonished. All music lies dormant in the twelve strings of my Rawaj but would a single note emerge if I did not know how to pluck them? And when the Sun himself has to traverse the sky to meet his beloved Sandhya every day, how could we mere mortals get by without striving?
You are right, the young disciple agreed, we must labour at acquiring knowledge so as to solve the great problems of our times.
The Bhat scoffed. For solving great problems, you need more than knowledge and labour. There may be those who learn to play the lute with their toes but none who can play it without a taste for music. True sagacity and real courage are needed to solve great problems.
The young disciple nodded his head sagely. I understand, he said.
If you do, retorted the Bhat, then you...