Scenes from this marriage: the newspaper is delivered. The morning alarm rings. Bed tea is served. Breakfast is laid out. The man of the ho...

Scenes from this marriage: the newspaper is delivered. The morning alarm rings. Bed tea is served. Breakfast is laid out. The man of the house is packed off to work. The mother-in-law’s blood sugar levels are monitored. The neighbour’s daughter is given dance lessons. Amrita (Taapsee Pannu) slips into bed at night, and the next day is comfortingly the same.
It’s set to change for the better – Amrita’s husband Vikram (Pavail Gulati) is up for a promotion and a posting in London. A party is thrown to celebrate Vikram’s imminent departure, but a phone call reveals that the London move has been canned. Amrita tries to calm down an incensed Vikram and for her efforts gets slapped in full public view.
What follows is clarifying for Amrita but not always clear for the viewer, who is exhorted to accept that one incident of violence is solid enough ground to end a marriage. A montage reveals the reactions of Amrita (stunned and pained), her mother-in-law (mildly disturbed), her parents (shocked and saddened). Does Amrita return to face the guests, as her mother-in-law recommends? Does Vikram carry on drinking and dancing? Do the parents lurk in a corner, swallowing their shame and hurt? The fragmented...