Chronology: 1) Times Now first terms a video of mosque defacement as fake. 2) @AltNews shows it is not fake. 3) Panelist on Times Now...

— Pratik Sinha (@free_thinker) February 27, 2020
1) Times Now first terms a video of mosque defacement as fake.
2) @AltNews shows it is not fake.
3) Panelist on Times Now mentions @AltNews fact-check.
4) Times Now Editor-in-chief has a melt-down and goes on a rant against @AltNews.
During a panel discussion on Indian news channel Times Now, the channel’s editor-in-chief Rahul Shivshankar appeared visibly rattled at the mention of fact-checking wesbite Alt News.
A recent video of a mosque being defaced in Ashok Nagar during the Delhi violence was termed ‘fake’ by the channel. However, fact-checker Alt News verified the footage as authentic and recent.
When this was brought up by a panelist, who asked that Times Now should “apologise for calling a video fake” Shivshankar ranted, “I know what you’re referring to – a petty website run by individuals who have an axe to grind with the Modi government.”
Also see
Delhi violence: Mosque set ablaze, Hanuman flag placed on top, reports The Wire